Wrote to the Embassy in October but still haven't heard anything back.
Just sent another email, a polite prod.
Hopefully we'll be eating trinxat, xai and coques very soon.
Com'on Andorra.

Hi again, Wonder if you can help. My girlfriend and I are trying to eat a meal from every country in the world without leaving London. Have a look at our blog, early days but Andorra being an 'A' country is high on our current wish list. http://cuisine-jamming.blogspot.com/ We're still searching for a Andorran restaurant or cafe in London, or even someone who works in an restaurant that could cook us a meal. Any leads would be greatly appreciated.
J and Neda
J and Neda
I'll call then on Monday x Oh and let's comment on each cuisine/country prior to getting into the restaurant review. The blog is looking seriously good. Oooozes J dog. x